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Dec 13 Newsletter

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Seasonal display for the holidays
School entry is decorated

Community partnerships are important to our school! A couple weeks ago, we had some police officers come to chat with a couple of our kindergarten classes. This coming week the kindergarten students are getting a special visit from Airdrie transit’s Gingerbread bus in the morning - which is a great time to talk about how we ride a bus! Our Grade 2 students will be walking across the road on Thursday to visit, deliver cards, and sing some of their concert songs for the residents of Bethany Care. A community faith group that meets in our facility on the weekends regularly supports our nutrition program at the school. Students from the leadership option class at Bert Church High School come for several weeks each semester to mentor 15 – 18 students from our school. We have a dedicated group of parent and grandparent volunteers who weekly come to school to deliver Healthy Hunger lunches. There are parents, grandparents, and other community members who come to read with students or help as needed at the school. We would like to take a moment at the end of 2024 to say, ‘Thank You!’ to all who partner with Ralph McCall in some way, big or small. We are grateful to be part of a larger community that cares about and engages with our students. Quote for the week – ‘What we value, we make time for. That’s it. We are never too busy for the things that matter.’ (Lauren M. Kaufman, educator and author)  

The coming week will fly by in a flurry of activities at school! Each day the student leaders have organized school ‘Spirit Days’, which students may participate in if they wish. All too quickly, it will be time for our winter break. Schools will be closed from Dec 21 – Jan 5.  Classes resume on January 6. We wish you a safe and restful break. May you take time for the things that matter in your life! 

Upcoming Dates (Please see the Calendar on the Website for more information) 

  • Dec. 16 – 20 – School Spirit Week (Dec. 16 – Anything Festive, Dec. 17 – Holiday Headwear, Dec.18 – Red and Green, Dec. 19 – Ugly Sweater, Dec. 20 – Holiday PJ/Onesie) 
  • Dec 17 – Grade 1 concerts 5:30 and 6:30 
  • Dec 18 – Grade 2 concerts 5:30 and 6:30 
  • Dec 18 – Gingerbread bus visit (from Airdrie Transit) for kindergarten 
  • Dec 19 – Holiday Hop (Grades ½ in the morning; Grades ¾ in the afternoon) 
  • Dec 19 – Grade 2’s sing concert songs and deliver cards to Bethany Care 
  • Dec 20 – Last day before the break (Lost and Found will be donated) 
  • Jan 6 – First day back; School Spirit Day – PJ Day 

Lost and Found to be donated on December 20 

It often amazes us how many items are unclaimed in our lost and found! We have a group of Grade 4 leaders who regularly help us return items that are labelled to their owners. Please ensure your child’s clothes and other items are labelled with their name. All items that are not claimed by 1:00 on December 20 will be donated after students leave at the end of that day. 

Student Leadership 

Grade 4 leaders that have signed up for mentoring younger students have done an amazing job engaging in school community in different capacities this school year. One group of leaders guided a group of Grade 1’s in SPARK twice per week. SPARK is a program where movement is incorporated first thing in the day to regulate students and prepare them for their learning day. These students built wonderful relationships with their partners, and I know both groups looked forward to it bi-weekly for the past 8 weeks.  

Over the last three weeks, leaders have mentored Grade 1 and 2 students in the gym over lunch recess with different forms of dance. Some learned routines, others participated in movement sequences such as special handshakes, games, and dance offs. Some of the younger students mentioned that “they could not wait to come back!” Thank you, leaders, for your efforts in planning and showing up for these kids. What a great group of Mentors we have making school a place students want to be and building connection outside of classrooms.  

 After the winter break, Mentors will be working with the Grade 1 and 2’s on mini sticks games on Wednesdays at lunch. As we try to adhere to the school wide expectation of not brining toys to school, Mrs. Smith is wondering if any families might have mini sticks and/or foam balls that they no longer need and would donate to this program. If you do, please drop off at the office. We will begin using them Wednesday January 7th upon our return to school. Thank you for your consideration! 

Grade 1 and 2 Winter Concerts -  

Given the size of our Grade 1 and 2 student population, we are dividing the classes and doing two concerts for each grade. The advantage is that this year we can open the Grades 1 and 2 concerts to all who would like to come. Feel free to invite grandparents or other family and friends who would like to see your child sing a few songs!  

 Students are asked to dress for the occasion. They could wear a seasonal outfit including red and green, a Santa hat, reindeer antlers, snowflake, headband, or they can just simply wear something nice. Students should not wear pajamas or onesies for the concert. 

Grade 1 – December 17 

1D, 1J, and 1N will perform at 5:30. Doors open at 5:15. 

1M and 1S will perform at 6:30. Please arrive at 6:15. 

Grade 2 – December 18 

2A, 2JS, 2P will perform at 5:30. Doors open at 5:15. 

2B, 2PB, 2S will perform at 6:30. Please arrive at 6:15. (We ask parents from this group to please consider staying after the performance to assist with putting away the chairs at the end of the concert. Thank you!) 

 Grade 3 and 4 concert date changes 

Our Grade 3 and 4 concert dates have been changed. The new date for the Grade 3 concert is January 29. The Grade 4 concert date is January 30. These grades will have one concert per grade. Due to gym capacity, we can accommodate only parents and siblings of the student performers in the audience at these concerts. More details regarding times, outfits, and such will be coming in January. 


Last week we wrapped up our PBIS theme of Safety at School, which was our focus for the last couple of months! We learned about commuting with caution throughout our school and outdoor play areas, following directions and being body aware.  

Staff have taught lessons and led activities to help students develop their understandings and the expected behaviours that go with them. Last week was our “caught you” week.  

We played Safety BINGO and every student was given a bingo card with safety images on it. As students were “caught” following expectations, they got a check on the corresponding image on the BINGO card. Students worked hard with their BINGO card and some even achieved a  blackout! Last Friday, we celebrated the efforts of all participants with a schoolwide assembly where we were joined by one of our School Resource Officers who presented more than 50 participants with a certificate for achieving a Safety Bingo Blackout! Way to go everyone! 

Our work with the PBIS framework guides us as staff in our commitment to respond to student behaviour responsively, through prevention, teaching and responding to student need.  Updates will be shared with you as we work together to strengthen our school community with our shared understandings of expectations at Ralph McCall!  

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.