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Feb 28 Newsletter

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A small sample of the food donations

In kindergarten through Grade 4, a significant portion of each day is devoted to literacy and numeracy. As we seek to ensure excellent education in these areas, we are excited to have a divisional learning specialist working exclusively at Ralph McCall for several weeks. She is supporting all the teachers from kindergarten through Grade 4, providing them with tailored professional learning, coaching, model lessons using researched-based literacy programs, and feedback. We also have two Ralph McCall teachers who have dedicated time in their schedules to support students with targeted literacy and numeracy instruction. There are a few parents and community members who regularly volunteer to read with students. Soon we will be welcoming a cohort of Grade 8 CW Perry student leaders who, as part of their Option class, have chosen to work with younger students in literacy and numeracy. It is wonderful to see Ralph McCall students continue to progress with the ongoing focus on both literacy and numeracy.  

As I connect with students and spend time in various classes, sometimes I note the challenge of learning when students wrestle with new concepts or newly acquired skills. Growth comes through appropriately leveled challenge, and yes, frustration. School work is called ‘work’ for a reason. There is a great deal of mental effort involved, and students work hard at school each day. We want to remind families of the importance of regular attendance, some ‘down-time’ after school, plenty of rest, and fueling the body with healthy food so that students can continue the hard work of learning. 

Quote for the week: ‘Frustration, that feeling of ‘Ugh, I can’t do it’ or ‘Ugh, I want to just be done already!’ . . . that’s a feeling that tries to trick our brain into telling us we’re doing something wrong, but actually, this feeling is a sign that we’re learning and doing something right! It’s such a tricky thing. Let’s be on the lookout for that feeling so we can remind ourselves we are learning, and that learning is supposed to feel this way.’  (Dr. Becky Kennedy in Good Inside: A Practical Guide to Resilient Parenting Prioritizing Connection Over Correction. Dr. Kennedy is a clinical psychologist who works with children and parents and talks a lot about the importance of frustration tolerance and resiliency in life and in learning.) 

Upcoming Dates (Please see the calendar on the website for more information) 

  • March 7 – Sports Spirit Day – wear anything related to sport 
  • March 10 – Professional Learning Day – NO SCHOOL 
  • March 11 – School Council and Friends of Ralph McCall meetings (start at 6:30 pm) 
  • March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day – Find something green to wear 
  • March 21 – Rock Your Socks Day – It’s World Down Syndrome Day so show off those mismatched and brightly coloured socks! 
  • March 24 – 28 – Book fair - hours will be posted on the website calendar
  • March 26 – 27 – Student-led conferences for K-4 (4:00 - 7:00)
  • March 28 - No school for kindergarten. Student-led conferences continue for Kindergarten only
  • March 31 – Professional Learning Day – NO SCHOOL 

Alberta Education Assurance Survey 

Every year parents of Grade 4 students have the opportunity to complete the Alberta Education Assurance Survey. We encourage our Grade 4 parents to look for a paper in their child’s agenda that contains a unique and anonymous code to access the survey. There is a QR code on the sheet or you can find the survey at: 

Out of Area Applications 

With the balancing student spaces in Airdrie plan for next year, families whose children are attending Ralph McCall as an out-of-area student received a letter notifying them that they will need to return to their designated school for 2025-26 or reapply for permission to attend an out-of-area school. We remind you that the letter encouraged you to reapply by the end of February as the division will begin reviewing the applications in March. If you are choosing not to reapply and your child will attend their designated school for next school year, please let the office know so that we can ensure a smooth transition. 

Student-led Conferences 

Student-led conferences are coming up on March 26 and 27 for all students and on March 28 for kindergarten only. These conferences will be different than the fall three-way conference. The time slots will be 50 minutes long and 5-6 families will be able to sign-up per slot in a small open house style model. Students will show you their work, demonstrate their skills, celebrate their progress and set goals for the last months of this school year. You do not need to stay for the full time of your scheduled slot. The teacher will be available in the classroom for you to connect with them during your visit. You will receive an email soon, prompting you to sign up through the conference manager

During student-led conferences, we also have a book fair happening in the library. Your generous support of the book fair allows the school to purchase books for classrooms and the library. Thank you! 

Assessment at RVS: Understanding Provincial and Divisional Assessments  

Rocky View Schools is sharing a series of articles on the division website regarding assessments: the process of gathering data about student learning. This information is intended to help provide greater insight into why and when assessments are done and encourage ongoing communication between teachers and families to support student success.   

Read the first in the series this month, touching on understanding provincial and divisional assessments. Watch for more in this series throughout the spring.   

February Food Drive for the Airdrie Food Bank 

This month we have been collecting non-perishable food for the Airdrie food bank.  

This was a great learning opportunity as many students became involved, learning about giving to those who are in need! Many students and families donated items, and we are happy and grateful to report that we counted more than 1500 items! 

We had a number of students help in the sorting and bagging of the food, in preparation for the Airdrie Food Bank pick up this morning. Thank you so much Ralph McCall families! 

The life and character lessons of activities like a food drive last well beyond the month of February. We encourage families to continue to talk about the food bank with their children. Your donations are a gift to our community, and we are thankful for all that was given. Thank you again for your contributions! 


Ralph McCall Kindness Campaign – January 27 – March 7/25 

Who: Grades K-4   

  • What: Weeks 1-3 staff and teachers taught and reviewed lessons that reinforce our Kindness goals at Ralph McCall School. (We are Welcoming, We are Polite & We are Helpful) 
  • Where: Ralph McCall (All day and anywhere at school!)   
  • Why:  Our focus being on KINDNESS!  

We are intentionally reviewing and teaching our matrix values of Kindness!  

Our PBIS committee has shared resources and lessons for this to all classes. Together we are all focusing on what kindness looks like in the classroom, in the halls, the library and even outside on the playground and school yard.  

  • We know how important it is to explicitly teach expectations and actions that align with them. During weeks 4-5 the “Caught Being Kind” initiative will be taking place!  

What is “Caught Being Kind?”: Teachers were provided different coloured hearts to give to their students when they catch them showing Kindness! Students write their names on the heart and then they are displayed on the wall in the Learning Commons. 

We are Welcoming-Pink Hearts, Are Polite-Yellow Hearts & We are Helpful-Blue Hearts   

  • Week 1: Our Focus was “Are Welcoming” 
  • Week 2: Our Focus was “Are Polite” 
  • Week 3: Our Focus was “Are Helpful”  
  • February Break 17-21, 2025 
  • Week 4 and 5: “Caught Being Kind” School wide Initiative - Feb. 24-Mar. 7, 2025 
  • To celebrate our Kindness Campaign: an assembly! 

Our work with the PBIS framework guides us as staff in our commitment to respond to student behaviour responsively, through prevention, teaching and responding to student need.  Updates will be shared with you as we work together to strengthen our school community with our shared understandings of expectations at Ralph McCall! 


From Parent Council and Friends of Ralph McCall 

Healthy Hunger: Healthy Hunger is available to order for each Friday school is in session. If you're interested in ordering, go to and follow the prompts.  Orders must be placed by the Sunday prior to be included. 

March Meeting: Our March Meeting is on March 11 at 6:30 in the Learning Commons, or on Zoom ( Meeting ID: 989 6974 5364 Passcode: Ralph) All are welcome to attend.  As usual, we have one of our trustees joining us and it's an excellent way to learn about what's going on in our division.  

Read-A-Thon: Our annual Read-a-thon Fundraiser is coming up from April 14th - 28th.  Help your child get excited about reading!  More details to come as we get closer to the date. 

Playground:  Planning continues for acquiring funds for the new playground.  If you or anyone you know is interested in helping out, please reach out to Friends... You can find our email address on the school website. 


Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.