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Oct 4 Newsletter

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Orange Shirt Day activity

Administrator Message:

It is amazing how dependent we have become on technology! This past week we realized how much we use our phones and Wi-Fi for so many things at school. I found it remarkable how we all adjusted to not having access for a couple of days. Students proudly told me they were going ‘Old School’ as they worked without the projector on. Teachers couldn’t print with the copiers down, so lessons got creative! I saw students playing an assortment of games in the hallway, in classroom, and in the Learning Commons. The phones were silent – and yet all the students somehow managed to get home, to appointments, or meet up with after school pick-up people. Office staff had time to talk to parents who came in. More teachers took a break to eat lunch in the staffroom and chat with colleagues rather than eating in their classroom in front of a computer while tackling emails. It was refreshing. Certainly, there were challenges (how did we do attendance before PowerSchool?!), but it was a reminder that we can step away from our technology and things will be okay – maybe even better! 

In Rocky View Schools Administrative Policy 145, all school staff is encouraged to disconnect from work related electronic communication after 5:00 pm and not respond after 6:00 pm on weekdays or on weekends. Under normal circumstances, school staff will respond to emails within 24 hours on instructional days. This policy is designed to give staff permission to put the computer down and spend time with their families, doing things other than work in the evenings. Certainly, teachers will still be planning and catching up on assessment every evening, but the email can wait until the next business day. Thank you for understanding that your email to your child’s teacher may not be answered right away. 

This week we started up the Bert Church / Ralph McCall mentorship program again. It is always wonderful to see the high school students reading and playing games with their elementary buddies. We are thankful to the 17 leadership students who have committed to mentoring 17 of our students for the next couple of months! Within our own school our oldest students, the Grade 3 and 4’s are mentoring the younger students by being classroom buddies. The older students read, play games, and do fun activities with their buddies. Thank you to all of the Grade 3 and 4 leaders at Ralph McCall! 

 In light of having no Wi-Fi access at school for most of the week, this quote may be an appropriate one. It comes from entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Billy Cox. ‘Technology should improve your life, not become your life.’ As we teach the next generation, this is an important thing for us as teachers, educational assistants, parents, and other adults to model and help our children understand!  

 Upcoming Dates (Please see the Calendar on the Website for more information) 

October 10 – Lost and found will be donated to charity at 3:00 pm 

October 11 – NO SCHOOL (PL day) 

October 14 – NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Day) 

October 21-25 – Book Fair (For specific dates and times, please see the website calendar) 

October 23 & 24 –Student Conferences (4:00 – 7:00) 

October 25 – Kindergarten has NO SCHOOL due to kindergarten conferences 

 Lost and Found: 

We already have many items in the Lost and Found. All lost and found will be donated on October 10 at 3:00 pm. Please come and check for your child’s items before the Thanksgiving long weekend. 

 Student Conferences: 

You must sign up for a conference slot using School Conference Manager; the conferences are not ‘drop-in’. Conferences are an opportunity for teachers, parents, and students to sit together to discuss learning goals and progress. The book fair will be open during the evenings of conferences. All proceeds from the book fair go towards buying books for the school library and classroom libraries. 

 School Emergency Response Program    

Last week we held our first evacuation drill (Fire Drill) of the school year, and all staff and students exited the school in a calm, orderly mannerGreat job everyone! 

Each year, schools are required to complete fire drills, emergency evacuation drills, and lock down drills.  These are important drills to help us prepare for any type of emergency that may come our way.  We will hold a second evacuation drill within the next week and a lock down drill within the next month. In addition, we will support our Bus Divers as they hold a morning bus evacuation drill mid-month.  

Rocky View has provided families with some information about the different types of drills that are covered in our preparedness plans.  You can find more information about them here;  

"Rocky View Schools Emergency Program: A Guide for Parents and Guardians"   

 Coupon Book Fundraiser : 

On Monday you will recieve an envelope with two coupon books to sell as a fundraiser for the school. Please see the School Council information at the end of the newsletter for information. If you do not wish to participate in raising funds for the school, please return the books to school. Thank you to all families who participate in the effort to raise funds and provide opportunities for Ralph McCall students! 


Our School Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team met to plan our next school-wide activities until Winter Break. We will be focusing on the area of Safety at School; further developing the concepts of moving throughout the school in a safe and kind manner, being aware of our bodies and how we move, and following directions. We will be holding two schoolwide assemblies to reinforce these areas of expectation, and to recognize those that are demonstrating the expectations as role models to others.  

We are excited to share that our Grade Four Leadership Club students will be participating in the assemblies, helping to teach about expected behaviours. 

Our work with the PBIS framework guides us as staff in our commitment to respond to student behaviour responsively, through prevention, teaching and responding to student need.  Updates will be shared with you as we work together to strengthen our school community with our shared understandings of expectations at Ralph McCall!  

NEW – Heathy Hunger change of process 

Healthy Hunger is back for Fridays! This program is run by the Friends of Ralph McCall. They are often looking for more people who can commit an hour or so to assisting on Friday and the school. Please reach out to them if you are available to help. 

If you order lunch for your child and they happen to be away that day, please call or email the school office to let them know if you will be picking up the lunch. The school will no longer call or email you to ask your plans. If you wish to pick up your child’s lunch, it will be available between 11 – noon. Any lunches not picked up by noon, will be donated or discarded. There are no refunds for lunches when your child is absent. 


From School Council and Friends of Ralph McCall 

September is in the books and fall is in the air! Things are in full swing and we all love hearing about the new things our kiddos are learning every day. Take a look at the items below to see some of the things Parent Council and Friends have in the works. 

Parent Council & Friends Meeting:  Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 8th in the Learning Commons.  Please join us!  Here’s a zoom link if you are unable to attend in person: (Passcode: McCall) 

Healthy Hunger: Today was our first Fun Lunch of the year!  Thanks to everyone who participated!  Our next one is on October 18th!  Remember all orders must be in by Sunday the 13th to count. 

Spirit Wear:  We are happy to be able to once again offer Spirit wear to staff and students.  Sales end on Monday so be sure to get your orders and funds submitted! 

Great Little Coupon Books: Due to unforeseen delays, this fundraiser will begin Monday, October 7th.  At $15.00 each, these coupon books are a great investment as they contain local Airdrie businesses.  No more needing to drive into Calgary to take advantage of a coupon.  This is a local Alberta company as well and provides 50% of all sales back to us for use in the school.  An envelope containing 2 numbered books will be sent home with each student.  If you do not wish to participate, simply send the envelope back to the school.  Additional books can also be ordered by sending the form contained within to school with your child and once the funds are received we will send the extra books home.  

 ******* PLEASE NOTE: the fundraising society is liable for the cost of any books not returned, so please make sure that any unsold items are returned so that we can maximize the money we have to support the school.************** 

 Playground Fundraising: Please see the flyer attached to the school email sent on Friday. 



Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.